The Cross & Crown Process to Equip & Empower You
The first step provides a North Star and sets your trajectory. You must answer the foundational questions: Who are you? Why you are here? What do you do? How you do it?
Then, you need to be able to be clear, concise, and consistent in how you communicate the answers. Let’s distill the essence and bring it back to the essentials. Without clarity there is no way to assess where you are at or chart a course for the future; no way to prioritize or plan; you cannot ensure your time is well spent or your output is on target.
Once the story is straight, the rest falls into place.
Every step of our process is strategy. This step gets strategic about strategy. Let’s turn our attention to set the focus:
There are 1,000 or more steps to the journey, but what is the next best step(s) to focus on?
There are always 1,000 things to do, so what are the critical 3-5 to focus on right now?
To be innovative & adaptive you cannot view plans & methods as static. But to avoid losing momentum & traction you have to get practical. You cannot reach the summit in a day, so let’s get specific about a plan to get you there.
It takes a village…there’s no I in TEAM…a house divided cannot stand. The relational norms you create as a leader are paramount.
First, let’s take the time to identify the key players & partners: Who’s on the team? Are they in the right role? Who are we missing? Where do we look?
Second, let’s take the time to set clear expectations, responsibilities, and goals.
Third and vital, let’s take the time to agree on how it’s like us to act, how we’re going to handle challenges & conflict, and what & how we’re going to celebrate.
Roles and responsibilities will constantly change, especially if there's growth. Yet when the culture is life-giving, you and your team enjoy getting to work each and every day.
Working alone is productive; working with others is rewarding. You want to call your team to shoulder the load together, to grow together. The reality is that assessment & correction can be a ton of fun when there is safety to innovate & fail, as well as the space to learn & grow. Set a timeframe to work the plan, then take some time for assessment: What’s working? Why? What’s not working? Why not? How can we improve? How can we course correct? What can we keep, start, stop doing? What do we lack? How do we resource it?
Finally, make the necessary corrections to work and re-work your plan. Health cannot exist in environments that lack consistent, honest correction. It will never be automatic, but now you have what it takes as a leader to grow with your organization.